Thursday, May 8, 2014

Based on a True Story... :/

The Perks of "Still" Living in The Shack...

"WE" caught another mouse. That's 5 in a row now. One per day. He did his part.... opened the cabinet door and gazed at it for a few seconds... I'm assuming by cocking his head to the side, wondering if the dead mouse in the trap was the same one who spoke to him last night while he slept. Excited at the prospect that all that hard work is finally paying off.... Seeking revenge on the little motherfuckers is much sweeter when all you do is open the cabinet door the next day to wonder if the fallen rodent smooshed before you is a different one then the one you had contemplated in the trap the day before, then you realize it's been mutilated in a whole different way. Yep, we caught another. Time to close the door. "WE did a good job", HE says..... Umm Hmmm....


Anonymous said...

We have 5 too but it's snakes not mice. Haven't seen many of them lately ...

MissK said...


Volfram said...

Caught a mousey-fish in one of those "humane" traps that don't kill them so you can relocate them early this year.

What's a "mousey-fish?" you ask? It's a mouse that lives in water.

Sadly, they don't tend to live very long in captivity.